06 December 2008

Another year younger

I turned a year younger yesterday. 'Younger'?? you may well ask. Its true really. I hadn't felt this young and exuberant even when I was in college. Besides age is all in the mind they say. What does youth stand for really - youthful looks, enthusiasm and the joie de vivre? By this reasoning, I definitely feel younger than I've ever done before. Reverse-aging is what my hubby calls it.

My birthday is one day in the year, when all the people whom I hold dear, and who care for me, never fail to remind me of it. From 12 am in the morning till 10 pm in the night, my phone keeps ringing with calls and text messages. Its one day in the year, when you wish that someone would call you up...and they do! Its wonderful to be thought of so much on this beautiful day. Every passing year adds at least a couple more people to this growing number.

I'm not much into expecting gifts or surprises for birthdays (though I love to gift other people). Its enough if people remember the day and think of me. I myself have a photographic memory for dates and seldom forget to wish others on their birthdays, anniversaries or other special occasions. Hence, it really means a lot when others reciprocate. Most people, I've found, are shy at expressing their fondness or love into words. But on such days, it comes across in the warmth of their greetings, the wealth of sincerity in their wishes, the depth of feeling they put into gifts or flowers, the competitive spirit they get into when they ask me - was I the first one to wish you?

Thank you, all my lovely friends and family, for making my day special for me this year too!


J P Joshi said...


Anonymous said...

Wish you a very very happy birthday and many returns of the same day which make you feel younger day by day and year by year.

state of mind? said...

hey belated happy birthday nilu!

hope u keep feelin younger by the years to come..;)))

dharmabum said...

i never remember them dates. so, some of my closest friends make it a point to call me, remind me, and make sure i wish them :P

may u grown younger by the day :)

Unknown said...

Nilambari ! Do set a mark where you can stop getting more younger... because it will not be possible for anyone to take care of your nappies again... LOL :)

Renu said...

Came here from Random thoughts,
wish u happy Bday ! u have the same day as my daughter:)

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