19 August 2010


Dedicated to my 7-month old daughter...

Dear daughter,

For the last few months, you have been my teacher. What my elders could never get me to do, you did without making me feel inconvenienced. I now get up at all hours of the night and even at the crack of dawn. I have given up the comforts of the sofa and the bed so that I can be with you on the floor. I'm used to working with one eye peeled so that you do not crawl to a forbidden area or lick our slippers. My ears are tuned to your slightest cry of hunger or discomfort. My nose alerts me whenever you wet your nappy. My hands tie the strings of your nappy automatically even in the middle of the night. I have re-discovered the joy of nursery rhymes, of breaking into a song in the midst of a chore and of playing with silly little toys.

When you kick the tumbler of water as I wash you;
When you upturn the can of powder and spill it all over the place,
When you drool your feed all over my new dress,
Or wet my freshly changed clothes ,
When you push the spoon away as I try to feed you,
Or squirm persistently as I try to dress you,
I no longer shout or scream in anger.
Instead I smile at you and revel in your smile in return.

When you giggle at the faces I make,
When your eyes search for me if I'm not there,
and when they gleam with happiness on noticing me,
When your hands reach out to caress my face
As I am putting you to sleep,
When you reach a new milestone in your short life,
Or rest in my arms trustingly when there's a storm blowing outside,
Oh doll! you have no idea,
Of the peace and completeness you give me
Even though my house is in a mess.

You've brought my family closer. You've given me a new identity in the neighborhood as your mother.
You've sharpened all my senses and enhanced my joy in small things.
You have taught me the importance of a routine. You've taught me to multi-task and use both my hands at the same time.
And what's more, you have taught me to be patient. For aren't you patient and forgiving to still love me even when I fail to interpret your cries sometimes?


Azra said...

Hey sweetie...
Me so happy for you...your blissful ..joyous ...happy state.
God Bless Ananya...for making you feel complete, for giving you the joy of being a mother...for many more reasons....
God Bless you both.....

Shruti said...

Beautiful beautiful post! Words fail me to express how I felt on reading it. While we mothers may have universally experienced this, you have the enviable ability to describe it with such elegance. Thanks.

Bharathi Magal said...

Beauty of motherhood lies in enjoying and understanding the innocence of childhood.You have put the poem in every mom's heart in a wonderful way.
I am a budding blogger and a new fan for ur blog.

Random_Blogger 1 (Amit Shirodkar) said...

Extremely beautiful article! You have a gift of using just the exact words.

As someone who watches you first hand with our daughter, I have seen you give the very best that you can to her - most of all, tons of love.
The sheer amount of efforts that you put in trying to take care of all aspects of her upbringing are praiseworthy.

Veena said...


Unknown said...

It is so nice to read what we have experienced 24 years ago. A Very good word craft.
Me Sanjeev & Aayush we all are very happy for you, Amit & of course Ananya a bundle of joy happened to you.

Unknown said...

Hi Nilambari,

Superb! I am so glad that you have finally practicing your long time hobby. You write so well, I am pleasantly surprised. Do keep it up. I am sure to get back to your blog again and again!

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