2020 has been a tough and humbling year for most.
Those who managed to escape with their ego intact missed out on a
golden opportunity to lose it :) Through some of the knocks from life in
this tumultuous year, I like to think that I managed to absorb a lot of
pain and turn it into a path-changing soul journey. Some of my
- Its not necessary to be the most positive, strong person in a relationship always. Its OK to show, or feel, vulnerability.
- Its not important that things have to be in the format that you are used to, or expect. Be open and accepting of others’ formats (even though its inferior / incomplete in your opinion).
- Its not important to always have some action / interaction to reach a conclusion in a situation. Sometimes a pause, a time off is required to preserve a relationship.
- Do not pour yourself into anyone, or anything, without thinking of yourself too. Its important to establish firm boundaries and equal give & take.