30 August 2024

Book Review : The Code of the Woosters by P.G. Wodehouse

I belong to a couple of interesting Book Clubs. They give me access to other passionate readers, writers and editors. They also share their eclectic taste in books, and insightful takes on the same.

At the the "NovelTea Prose and Cons" book club, we are a bunch of book enthusiasts from various cities within India. We have weekly online book review meetings which tend to get quite interactive. Since it also has some editors, its great to know their perspectives on why certain books did well when they should NOT have :)

This week we chose to read a P.G. Wodehouse classic - The Code of the Woosters. Despite being an avid reader, and a HUGE admirer of British literature, P.G. Wodehouse is one author I have never been a fan of. Thus, this was his first book that I read through!

Most Indian schools are heavily influenced by the British literature. I have grown up reading Pride & Prejudice, Jane Eyre, the Enid Blyton and Agatha Christie series of books. Of late, I am a big fan of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. After reading this book, I understood why the Wodehouse humor had failed to work its charm on me. His books represent the idle and privileged class of British society of the 1930s, and pack the rich vocabulary of old-school English. Its references to that period of Britain's elite is not accessible to common folks and hence not appreciated by them. It lacks the blood, sweat and toil faced by the middle class. The escapades of its wastrel main character - Bertie Wooster, seem too bland and the characters have a shaky moral ethic. What stands out though are -

  1. The character of Jeeves -  his keen knowledge of psychology, and his demure manner in indirectly manipulating events and people, is an inspiration even today.
  2. Wodehouse definitely has a gift of the gab! The way his characters respond to farcical situations, and to each other, bring about much comic relief. Their observations and turn of phrase provide brilliant humour, and the writing is truly worth savouring.

In this particular book, what starts off as Bertie's fear of losing his favourite aunt's gifted chef, turns into a comedy of errors at an alarming pace. I learned about the Cow Creamer for the first time. How the various characters intertwine with each other, and the events conspire such that Bertie is coerced to steal this object d'art much against his principles, the blatant about face by the female characters, is an example of excellent plot weaving! There is an interesting mix of animals like the dog and newts thrown in too. It is a testament to Bertie's love of good food and family solidarity.

Jeeves is at his best!! From masterfully manipulating all the main characters in the book, rescuing his master from disaster multiple times, ensuring a happy and just ending for all concerned, to fulfilling his own dream of world travel, he is mind blowing!

The battle of wits, and will, between master and butler is also extremely interesting to witness:)

I was also introduced to the Jeeves and Wooster series starring Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie, who have immortalised these characters with admirable elan!


The Bookaholics Pune Club meets monthly, at cafes across Pune. In August, I attended my first meetup. This one did not discuss any particular book - instead we had introduction of new members, ice-breaker games (around books), presentations by a child prodigy author and his parents' Publication House, as well as entrepreneur who has started her own platform for authors to be able to promote their self-published books! We also met a very interesting celebrity author - Manjiri Prabhu. Her experiences about her journey were an eye-opener and super inspirational !!

21 August 2024

The Kolkata doctor case : a blot on humanity

“The role of a writer is not to say what we can all say, but what we are unable to say.”
~Anaïs Nin

The Kolkata rape case of a lady doctor has sparked an outrage all over India. This dastardly act has shaken the entire nation to the core. Today, a Bharat bandh has been declared as an urgent call to action to the powers-that-be. In all honesty, I have been stunned into silence by yet another soul-shattering behaviour of a few humans for a fellow human. I have been shielding myself as much as possible from the media barrage covering this case. The above quote inspired me to write something about my angst.

There are so many aspects of this case that are disturbing: 

News channels are full of all the gory details of this case. It is available to anyone who can read, or is on social media - even adolescents and children. Personally, I would prefer my teenager to NOT know about it in such detail. I would have liked to have some control in breaking it to her piece by piece. A WhatsApp message on her phone greatly disturbed me, leading me to worry about what is being discussed at their level. I do understand that even if I may hide the news from her, it is bound to reach her through some other sources. 


There are so many poems, angry posts, and judgemental views all over LinkedIn and X! There is no way to mute this on my feed, nor to escape them. You skip one and immediately another crops up. 

Our country is in uproar against the difference in upbringing of boys & girls. Our patriarchal society needs an overhaul. It needs to start at the grass root level, not just at the judiciary level. Specific education should be outlined, for boys, to prevent such behaviour in future. Fathers and male guardians of the boys need to be more involved. Parenting, in general, needs to be given more focus.

Men in general are being tarred with the same brush as the criminals, which I do not think is fair. Then there is the backlash by men of "Not all men" on social media, which is only adding to the noise. Sure, chauvinism and perversion need to be separated, but men should also acknowledge the violence against women in society, instead of resorting to defensive comments. In fact, accountability needs to be taken that we have repeatedly failed as a society, and something needs to change.

Many aspects of the case regarding the WB chief minister, the medical college principal, the police investigation, vandalism of the crime scene by protesters etc. have been coming to light that point to a systemic failure rather than a one-off incident. 

Political parties are indulging in their usual blame game, trying to get as much mileage out of this as possible. It would be much more fruitful to put their heads together to arrive at an overarching constructive solution for the rampant and recurring incidents all over the country, not just this one instance.

Several petitions are afloat on various social media groups. They too describe the plight of the deceased in graphic details. While they may be facts, they are primarily being used to urge people to sign up rather than to understand the ground reality. 

There is a clamour for capital punishment for the miscreants. While this is perfectly understandable, historically it has not helped at all. Three (of four) of the convicts in Nirbhaya case had been executed, yet it did not stop this one, nor the many more during the intervening years.

Bharat bandh has been declared for Aug 21 followed by Maharashtra bandh on Aug 24 for the Badlapur cases. The first one is also around Supreme Court's recent rulings around SC/ST reservation. This follows the nation-wide doctors' strike on Aug 17 and 18 to protest this case. Protests in West Bengal have been ongoing since this horrific event came to light. In general, these strikes highlight the simmering socio-political tensions across the country. All this will lead to huge economic losses and disruption. Hopefully, it will be justified in hindsight.

These protests have been vocal and intrusive, while some others chose to express their solidarity with the victim by changing their DP on WhatsApp for a day. Folks were debating on the pros and cons of these approaches too.


So much precious energy, and resources, are being wasted on things that are beyond control or comprehension! There is a need for someone, maybe our PM / President, to assure all that something is being done behind the scenes and the public will get to hear of it soon. The Supreme Court has gone suo moto, taking matters into its own hands. We need to await its wisdom as they conduct the investigation impartially

There is an outcry for the WB CM to step down - certainly there have been many mistakes made. However, I am at a loss on how that is going to help anything. And has any thought been given to what ripple effect it would have on other aspects of WB government? I see no point in getting people all riled up, even insecure, which will only cause more mayhem. 

The Government should take a poll on the primary issues bothering people. After taking due cognisance of this, it should segregate the core issue(s), and try to double down on those rather than chasing piecemeal solutions (e.g. hospitals and medical staff) only. An official statement should be issued by someone responsible rather than the media channels or word-of-mouth.

Everyone wants concrete actions to come about, but we should not forget that the root cause of this behaviour should be identified and a solution should be arrived at after deep thought. Let us not resort to band-aid solutions in our haste for justice.

31 July 2024

"May the Force be with you" - Star Wars movie review

While attending a training on Storytelling recently, the coach mentioned that the best story ever told till date is that of Star Wars. Frankly, space sci-fi has never captivated me, so even though the first trilogy of these movies had been extremely popular during my growing up years, I had never followed them. However, the above comment triggered my curiosity! That is how kiddo and I ended up binge-watching the double trilogy of Star Wars during her enforced days off at school on account of the ongoing monsoon rage. Both of us were left super-impressed. 

Interestingly enough, authored and directed by George Lucas, the second trilogy was shot and released before the first. It has more of the story (rather than SFX and drama), which garnered the requisite interest in the franchise. The first trilogy was released decades later, once Lucas had the finances to fund the appropriate special effects for inter-galactic wars. Hence, there is a lot of difference in the quality of film making, special effects, costumes and the actors themselves. Yet, it did not deter from the overall experience. There have been many spin-offs subsequent to the original two trilogies, that have been equally popular.

By roping in popular actors like Sir Alec Guinness, Harrison Ford and Liam Neeson, the director ensured footfall in the theatres, but the plot itself did the rest. Infact, the Star Wars franchise is the most successful in the world due to its great story, innovative marketing and clever targeting of multiple demographics. Not only did it revive the marketplace for the 'space sci-fi' as a genre, it also changed how licensed toys & memorabilia were created and marketed.

The reason behind its stupendous success is that it combined the themes of war & action, good vs evil, psychology (the Jedi  & Sith were both masters of the mind), relationships (teacher-student, brother-sister, friendship & romance), sci-fi and fantasy. The various species (even droids and robots), and how they co-exist with humans as an integrated civilization, on planets other than Earth, the various star vehicles and weapons (the famous light sabre!), were all superbly thought out and presented! A completely original story of its time, even though it is inspired by others in bits and pieces.The lessons in leadership and gender equality are truly inspirational : Yoda is a hands-on master, a wise & patient mentor, and undefeated till he decides to shed his body. Also, both the leading ladies were fearless, independent yet feminine. The Jedi code of love but no attachment, passionate but peaceful, never harming the unarmed, and always performing one's duty sincerely - are some messages from the movies.

Some of the dialogues went viral viz. 

"A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...", 

"May the Force be with you.", 

"Do or do not, there is no try.", 

"Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you?", 

"I am your father." and 

"There is still good in him.

Steven Spielberg (he and Lucas are considered to be two of the most famous directors of all time) anticipated that Star Wars was going to be a "big hit", which it was. But he followed that up with a prediction of Star Wars making 50-60 million dollars at the box office. Meanwhile, Lucas himself predicted 15-20 million dollars. In reality, the movie made a whopping $775.8 million - absolutely smashing both of their expectations!

Star Wars is indeed amazingly conceptualized & written, and directed with stunning visuals and cinematography. The action sequences are pretty good too, though a tad stretched at times. Its on par with the 'Harry Potter' or 'Lord of the Rings' franchises, even though it came decades ahead of them. Its fictional futuristic world gives a glimpse into our rapidly approaching future in the context of AI and climate change. What a visionary!

24 July 2024

The twilight zone


I recently had the fortune to spend time with my mother-in-law, who stayed with us for an extended period this monsoon. Pushing 90, she has always preferred her regimented routine at her place, over the many years I have known her. Being a spontaneous person myself, schedules and time-keeping have always daunted me:)

She had suffered a mild stroke, in the aftermath of falling unconscious in the bathroom, a couple of months ago. Though she was completely mobile and unhurt post the incident, she has no recall of it. She had spells of amnesia and her cognitive function had been affected. So much so that she stopped watching her favorite Marathi serials on TV, and even playing cards. She used to sleep most of the day. But she slowly recovered most of her vitality and cognitive processing ability after 2 months of resting. She is now back to her old self, walking actively with her trusty stick - and even resumed her TV serials and card playing. Her vision has been failing for a few years now and even her hearing ability is limited - which makes moving places even more challenging for her. Her one love in life is eating - though her system does not support it anymore. Luckily, she has attained control over her wayward eating, and also hears better even without her hearing aid, post the mishap. Something good came from the fall, after all. 

What's truly commendable is that she traveled by road in heavy rains, both times, when visiting us! Especially so, since she has been so averse to leaving her home/city/locality for the majority of her life. We are apart in age by 4 decades, and have grown up in different states - we are like chalk and cheese. There are very few things in common between us - I am a proficient writer but she does not read English. Yet, we both love talking and socialising with people - that bonds us together. 

This visit was an eye-opener for me regarding the challenges of our elders, how difficult elder care is, and the importance of planning for this stage in life. It is important to invest in good relationships with the key people in life - as they are the ones who take care of you eventually. One ends up living for the spouse and children all one's life, but equation with extended family members, friendships nurtured over the years, and the ability to adjust to care-takers, and others' way of life - are things that sustain one in these twilight years. 

I learned that though the hearing aid helps, it also amplifies the surrounding sounds viz. rain, construction work, ambulance siren etc. which bothers the wearer. While the cool breeze is comfortable for us, it is not so for the elderly skin. Aches and pains, and loneliness, are one's constant companions and hence addiction to things like food or TV arise. Its good to cultivate hobbies which will not be too taxing on the aging body - to prepare for this period. Staying active, and constant movement, is the way to beat the blues. Unfortunately in her case, due to her impaired vision, this as well as reading, is ruled out. The times her serials are aired on TV are important as they run ads too in between. She can also flip between the channels on her own. It helps to pass the time for her, as opposed to the ad-free and schedule-free content(same serials) of OTT. I also learned that memory is a strange thing - the older you get, the more you remember your childhood days and things that should have been long forgotten. And you forget what happened yesterday or this morning!

God, grant me the forbearance and fortitude for this phase in life. If possible, I would not like to experience it at all. But I am grateful for everything that has come my way so far. Am sure there is Divine wisdom in why some people die early while others live long lives, though it eludes me for now.

01 July 2024

Inside Out 2 : An EI Bootcamp

Kiddo wanted to watch Inside Out 2 with friends this weekend, but their plan did not materialize. We parents got elevated to the friend category and ended up watching it with her. And what a supremely mind-blowing experience it was - literally and figuratively :)

Its the sequel to its predecessor that was released almost a decade ago. All the action happens at the 'Headquarters' which is the hi-tech mind of a girl named Riley. Five basic emotions were introduced in the first instalment, and a fresh set of emotions are added in this new one, as Riley turns a teenager. All hell literally breaks loose in her head with the onset of puberty.

Pixar being the brand it is, the technology and special effects are simply out of this world! But the concept itself is explained so articulately, and it is relatable not only to adults in general, but also to adults grappling with the avalanche of teenage mood swings and deep dark secrets. While in the first film, Sadness battles it out with the pervasive Joy in the child's life; in this second film, Joy is pitted against Anxiety. In today's time, anxiety is the overwhelming emotion across ALL age groups, and hence, the movie is a must-watch to understand the effect of anxiety and regulate one's emotional balance.

The pictorial representation of how all experiences, and emotions attached to them, form our 'Self', is awe-inspiring. Every memory is important in shaping the same - not just the ones we choose to retain. How Anxiety, aided by Envy and Embarrassment, leads Riley to become more ambitious and calculating, how they bottle up and banish all other emotions into the deep recesses of the mind such that the original sense of self is lost and a new one starts emerging, are captured magnificently through plot, imagery and dialogue. The visual portrayal of 'sarcasm', 'brainstorm' and 'stream of consciousness' render one speechless! It also brings out the importance of each emotion in our life and teaches us to embrace them without shame, e.g. Fear helps us think of Plan B in an emergency and Anxiety may be trying to help us only, while too much Joy may be misleading. Kudos to the creative team for pulling off this masterpiece!

The message toward the end is that every individual has the free will to choose the primary emotion(Joy, in this case), and create his/her own sense of self. Thus, its an introduction to self-awareness, emotional regulation and healing. There is plenty of scope for yet another sequel, as 'Nostalgia' peeped out twice but was pushed back in. And the emotional stalwarts viz. Love, Hate, Ego, Courage etc. are not yet introduced. 

A must-watch for all who relish a visual treat, are intrigued by psychology, and looking for answers to a stress-free life. Kiddo definitely enjoyed it thoroughly, as did I. 

11 June 2024

The Bridgerton addiction



Dearest Gentle Reader,

Bridgerton Season 3 (Part 2) will be aired on Netflix on Jun 13, 2024.  There has been so much talk around this series that even the social media is full of it. There was no escaping its onslaught on the senses -  so much so that I finally gave in, and binge-watched all the previous seasons a couple of weeks ago :)

To be honest, I had perceived this British regency romance series to be sleazy and hence kept away for quite some time. However, I have always been fascinated by the British period books and movies. 'Pride and Prejudice' is one of my favourite romance novels and I have watched all its adaptations. I have also watched a couple of seasons of 'Downton Abbey'.  I missed 'The Crown', however, and am yet to watch the pre-quel of this series - 'Queen Charlotte'.

Each Netflix 'Bridgerton' season is essentially a 'Season' wherein a bevy of debutantes are presented to Queen Charlotte and approved to find the best match for themselves amongst the country's eligible gentlemen. The queen has the habit of naming the most promising debutante as "The Diamond" - someone who is guaranteed to land a titled husband as she has the Queen's blessing. 

In each of the three seasons so far, one sibling each from the Bridgerton family, (consists of Dowager Violet Bridgerton and her eight offspring), makes a bid for suitable marriage. Lady Bridgerton herself had a love match, and is eager for each of her children to find someone they have a spark with rather than settling for a practical compromise. The nerdy Eloise Bridgerton is a debutant across two seasons now, with no sign of a beau thus far. The glamorous gowns, grand balls as well as the sizzling chemistry between the couple-of-the-season, kept viewers hooked throughout. There are many other interesting characters such as the Bridgerton's next-door neighbours - the Featheringtons, the Mondrichs, Lady Danbury, Cressida Cowper etc. who provide ample entertainment via their eye-catching outfits, elaborate hair-dos, witty repartee and interpersonal dynamics. 

What differentiated the plot was the introduction of a mysterious reporter 'Lady Whistledown'  - whose gossip pamphlets were relished for their incisive digs at elite members of the Ton. In an era, where a single woman was not allowed to meet with a gentleman unchaperoned, or to work for a living, this elusive female had managed to dodge the eyes of the Queen herself and continued her spicy revelations season after season! Though her identity is revealed to viewers at the end of Season 1, the characters are still trying to unravel the same through subsequent seasons, adding to quite a bit of drama! 

Another interesting differentiator is that this regency world is quite diverse and inclusive! The Queen herself is coloured, so is the male protagonist in the first season, and the heroine in the second season is of Indian origin. There is a distinct lack of racism in this British Regency era - truly a parallel universe! The ladies' attire is revolutionary for fabrics, colours and hairstyles that have never been seen in any British regency series before. They swing from silk in one season to colourful chiffons and see-through gloves in the next. The series has been adapted from Julia Quinn's books by the same name but the show has taken many liberties. There is no attempt made to stick to historical accuracy, given that its a fantasy romance series in the Regency era. The music for the dances has instrumental versions of many contemporary chart-busters viz. Material Girl(Madonna), Cheap Thrills(Sia), Diamonds (Rihanna) and Wildest Dreams (Taylor Swift).

The youngest of the three Featherington daughters, and best friend of Eloise Bridgerton - Penelope, is a short and plump wallflower who has debuted two seasons ago but has little chance of finding a husband. She has always had a crush on one of the Bridgerton men - Colin, but has been friend-zoned by him. Incidentally, she is the anonymous Lady Whistledown, only known to her accomplice, the local modiste. Her short name 'Pen', and last name featuring 'Feather', are excellent puns given that she is a scribe! Season 3 Part 1 was all about Penelope's determination to free herself from her dominating mother. She revamps her style, and engages Colin's mentorship, to win a husband for herself. The twists and turns that she encounters in this quest has made the audience anticipate the next part with bated breath. There are many other parallel threads ongoing, the pace is fast, and a hot air ballon has been added to the mix for additional adventure! The Season ended on an almost-romance between Penelope and Colin. 

Many interesting characters jostle with each other to be the favourites viz. The Queen herself, Lady Danbury, Lady Violet Bridgerton, Lady Portia Featherington, Duke Simon Basset, Viscount Anthony Bridgerton etc. Even the Featherington's housekeeper, Varley, came across as a wily yet loyal servant. My favourite is Penelope, for the complex layers in her character, and her boldness in carving out a career as well as romance for herself despite her nondescriptness. The upcoming season highlights the much-awaited betrothal of Penelope and her beloved Colin - promising fireworks due to her big secret.

Here's hoping that the subsequent seasons live up to the hype!

10 June 2024

The Great Indian democracy

What a week! I like to think of it as the "Karma in action" week. The term is inspired by a recent conversation with a 'friend' who challenged me to read the Bhagwad Gita in depth. Well, it rests on the tenet of Karma - something that was lost sight of by all the advocates of Hindutva lately. 

On Jun 1, 2024, the Loksabha elections in the world's largest democracy concluded in 7 phases amidst heatwaves both climactically as well as politically. The forecast was pretty much decided in the favor of the incumbent party (Bharatiya Janata Party or BJP) and the result on Jun 4th was anticipated to be just a formality before celebrations could commence for them.

But the Jun 4th vote count created history, not just in hailing BJP as the third consecutive ruling government of India, but in giving this party and its leader - Narendra Modi, a massive reality check.

The ruling party BJP's losses across seven major states negated marginal gains in others, and contributed significantly to it netting 62 fewer seats as compared to the 2019 election. The party got a total of 240 seats, below the 272 required for a parliamentary majority and a continued clean saffron stint. Meanwhile, the opposition alliance, which goes by the acronym INDIA, far outperformed expectations, collectively winning more than 230 seats.

It is the first time since Modi was elected back in 2014 that the BJP has not won a clear majority on its own despite is current campaign cry of 400-plus throughout. It faced astounding losses in two key states - Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra. In the former, the reinstatement of Ram mandir in Ayodhya failed to give the expected dividend. Indeed, the most striking feature of the secret ballot was the rejection of the Hindutva doctrine. And in Maharashtra, the coalition that the BJP had brought about by breaking up the existing local government failed to gain them the elusive state yet again. The BJP's "politics of humiliation" bred discontent for the party among voters. Also, their indifference to the real issues on the ground, viz. farmers' discontent disheartened the people. There was a distinct lack of dignity throughout the election season; quite possibly that turned the tide for the majority vote.

The BJP had centred its campaign around the cult of prime minister Narendra Modi - its party manifesto being "Modi's guarantee". It rested on hardline Hindu nationalist policies, creation of an impressive brand with the Indian diaspora and the world, a mammoth infrastructure push and the promise of a major economic upgrade. Somewhere along the way, the formidable "Modi wave" had been dented by problems such as high unemployment, inflation and the BJP's myopic view on local issues plaguing individual states viz. Maharashtra, Manipur, Punjab etc. Their battle cry against one minority(Muslims) spooked the Dalits too, who feared that the existing Constitution which gives them some edge in the rising unemployment landscape, will be threatened by the 400-plus margin.

The biggest losers were the pundits and pollsters who had almost unanimously predicted an overwhelming victory for PM Modi and BJP. Their exit-poll predictions were so far off the mark in several states that one prominent pollster, appearing on India's popular English channel, burst into tears on camera when the actual results were revealed.

After intensive discussions with the two allies of BJP - Telugu Desam party (TDP) and Janata Dal United (JDU) led by Chandrababu Naidu and Nitish Kumar respectively, the BJP formed the government on Jun 9, 2024. The new PM and cabinet ministers were formally sworn in by the Indian President - Draupadi Murmu, at the Rashtrapati bhavan, in an impressive ceremony. Rahul Gandhi has been nominated as the Opposition leader post the gains in the election. Gandhi's Congress party's election results defied analysts' expectations. A resurgent and confident opposition is the need of the hour to keep the wheels of democracy turning.

It has been most interesting to see the media FINALLY rise to the occasion after having been stifled for so long. Interesting post mortem and debates have taken the internet by storm in the wake of this historic election. Many theories have been propounded and countless conjectures put forth. The new coalition government will ensure that BJP will need to consult and collaborate with its allies, as well as the opposition, before making any further radical decisions. 

While Modi has always been the only real contender for the post of PM of India, hopefully this wake up call will unleash a revamped PM as he lives up to yet another challenge with his signature aplomb. I began my second career innings in Jan 2024 as an author. I like to call it my 2.0 version. Modi 3.0 will see a new version emerge of PM Modi, one that will adapt to the demands of this new government and fresh struggles. 'Restart' is the name of the game : unlearn, learn and re-learn!

The true winner of this saga is undoubtedly the Indian voter - who has ensured that our democracy is alive and kicking!! Cheers to the awakening of the Indian voter.

01 May 2024

A month of adjustment

As I complete four months of my break from work life, I reflect on how the month of Apr 2024 has been for me. 

Globally, there were quite a few natural disasters viz. earthquakes, floods, hurricanes etc. There was unrest in political situation across the world (Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Iran), leading to financial volatility and many parts of India experienced severe heatwave conditions for most part of April. Social media has been full of the rising trend of job losses, especially in the IT field, and conspiracy theories regarding the same. The threat of continued, if not increasing, unemployment is something that cannot be ignored anymore else it will soon hit our youth across other industries too.

On the personal front, kiddo commenced her grade 9 from Apr 1st. Right off the at, the heat in the classrooms as well as the school bus has affected the kids. Some even suffered from heat stroke symptoms. She also started her external classes this month, four times a week, and that took some adjustment too. All in all, the increased syllabus of secondary school, the looming threat of more changes in CBSE norms (until June) and additional subjects viz. Sewa (social work) are something that have been on my mind this last month. In the backdrop, all the political parties have been campaigning heavily for the ongoing Lok Sabha elections; the news and social media have been full of reactions to the same. Sometimes I wonder if this will be the last election of the world's largest democracy (requires a separate post). 

All in all, it seems to be a very depressing scenario. Yet, there were many highlights for me personally, during this month. The paperback version of my book sold quite a few copies and I started to receive reviews from some folks. I even received the first payment for my book! I got an opportunity to connect with many different parties when I was exploring the option of doing a book launch party - right from publishers, media to other authors. Feedback about my book coming from my mom and her pride in my achievement (with her extended family, neighbours and friends) filled me with joy! I started promoting my book actively on all social media platforms and the response there has been heart warming. So many have shared that they are proud of my achievement or were touched by my bold decision and journey. Thank God for social media - it keeps one's network always updated about our achievements and its great to hear from distant school, college friends or ex-colleagues from decades ago!

There have been comments like "Do not stop writing, its a God-given gift to you!" And another, where a neighbour wants me to address our society about my author journey and importance of writing. Or another neighbour who exclaimed that "You have always been a determined and sincere one and you finally achieved your dream! You must now mentor me to publish my book!" A male school friend, with whom I have not been in touch with that much. even went so far as to say - "You have a lovely soul hidden underneath that exterior, you’re a lovely wife and the best mother. The qualities a woman should possess, you have that. You are a fighter. Despite being a strict woman, you have at least 50 soft corners." I am blown away by how much people notice about you just from the fleeting interactions they have had with you over the decades! Feedback has not always been positive. Have received brickbats on the front cover of my book, or the audio quality of my reels on social media, or even that I am turning into an activist as an author.

Amidst all this busyness I managed to read some good books and watch a few good movies too. My reviews of movies, documentaries and other books are been taken seriously. I am also attending a 15-day class called 'Learning Ninja techniques', wherein we are being trained to read and comprehend at speed. This will not only help to absorb new things faster, research quickly but also motivate to read and learn more. I have learned some really great techniques so far, which I had not been aware despite being an avid reader all my life! All in all, I feel that my extensive management skills were put to good use on the home front in the month of Apr. It was heartening to see both my other half as well as kiddo organize their closets after seeing me do the same back in Mar 2024!

As May advances, looking forward to kiddo's summer break and our annual out-station holiday. Of course, there is some project work to be completed by kiddo, and her classes continue until mid-May. Still its a break from the hectic routine in the intense heat. So many things to look forward to in the new month!

12 April 2024

'Rocket Singh : Salesman of the Year' - a movie review

Rocket Singh : Salesman of the Year

In 2009, Ranbir Kapoor became a star in the true sense. His "Wake Up Sid", "Ajab Prem ki Ghazab Kahani" and "Rocket Singh", all released in that same year and he became a household name at least due to the first two. The last one, which released toward the end of the year, somehow slipped under the radar for a majority, including myself. But it was the best of the lot in my opinion, and that's saying something since the first two were in a league of their own too. In hindsight, RK has picked up projects that many would not have at his age, and has a very impressive portfolio today. His "Rockstar", "Barfi" and "Jagga Jasoos", "Rajneeti" and "Tamasha" are also very different kind of films. He shines in each of them, he gave his 100% to them all. He is truly one of the best actors we have in Bollywood today, with or without "Animal" (which I have not watched and don't intend to). 

But this post is not about RK. It is about his film "Rocket Singh" that was well before its time but so relevant today! The protagonist is a below-average student but his passion in life is to be the best salesman ever. His feels that persuasion is the best skill for this profession. He even lands a job in a reputed Sales organization to fulfil his dream, despite his low marks. His lawyer friend tries to dissuade him from this profession with the argument that only those who failed to make the cut in the more elite professions, became salesmen as a last resort. But Harpreet Singh Bedi(HSB) is focused on his dream. His grandfather, played by Prem Chopra, supports him in his own way. But HSB's illusion about the Sales business is soon shattered when he witnesses the reality. Its a cut-throat world with unrealistic targets, questionable ethics and selling products with high mark-ups go hand in hand with profits. His grandfather's tenets of honesty and ethics become a barrier for him to get a foothold in the corporate jungle. 

As I started watching the movie, the initial scenes disillusioned me. I felt it was about how to adapt your value system with the corporate you are working for. The movie slowly pivoted and it felt exhilarating that even in a function like Sales its possible to retain your values and still do business. Passion, hard work, sincerity and goodwill truly do pay off. My faith in humankind was restored. There are a few cliches about the "sardar" community too that felt as if the director was skating on thin ice. But somehow the director was able to keep the train on the right track till the very end.

The characters of his various colleagues and bosses are extremely well-etched and also performed remarkably well by the supporting cast. Both RK as well as Manish Choudhary (playing his big boss) deserved awards for their roles but neither received any. How Harpreet Singh Bedi becomes Rocket Singh, how he manages to not only survive in the toxic work culture but also manages to marry his dream of being the best salesman with that of running is own Sales startup without compromising his ethics, forms the gist of the plot. 

All in all, a must-watch film especially for those looking to follow their passion while lost in their corporate jobs.

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