31 July 2024

"May the Force be with you" - Star Wars movie review

While attending a training on Storytelling recently, the coach mentioned that the best story ever told till date is that of Star Wars. Frankly, space sci-fi has never captivated me, so even though the first trilogy of these movies had been extremely popular during my growing up years, I had never followed them. However, the above comment triggered my curiosity! That is how kiddo and I ended up binge-watching the double trilogy of Star Wars during her enforced days off at school on account of the ongoing monsoon rage. Both of us were left super-impressed. 

Interestingly enough, authored and directed by George Lucas, the second trilogy was shot and released before the first. It has more of the story (rather than SFX and drama), which garnered the requisite interest in the franchise. The first trilogy was released decades later, once Lucas had the finances to fund the appropriate special effects for inter-galactic wars. Hence, there is a lot of difference in the quality of film making, special effects, costumes and the actors themselves. Yet, it did not deter from the overall experience. There have been many spin-offs subsequent to the original two trilogies, that have been equally popular.

By roping in popular actors like Sir Alec Guinness, Harrison Ford and Liam Neeson, the director ensured footfall in the theatres, but the plot itself did the rest. Infact, the Star Wars franchise is the most successful in the world due to its great story, innovative marketing and clever targeting of multiple demographics. Not only did it revive the marketplace for the 'space sci-fi' as a genre, it also changed how licensed toys & memorabilia were created and marketed.

The reason behind its stupendous success is that it combined the themes of war & action, good vs evil, psychology (the Jedi  & Sith were both masters of the mind), relationships (teacher-student, brother-sister, friendship & romance), sci-fi and fantasy. The various species (even droids and robots), and how they co-exist with humans as an integrated civilization, on planets other than Earth, the various star vehicles and weapons (the famous light sabre!), were all superbly thought out and presented! A completely original story of its time, even though it is inspired by others in bits and pieces.The lessons in leadership and gender equality are truly inspirational : Yoda is a hands-on master, a wise & patient mentor, and undefeated till he decides to shed his body. Also, both the leading ladies were fearless, independent yet feminine. The Jedi code of love but no attachment, passionate but peaceful, never harming the unarmed, and always performing one's duty sincerely - are some messages from the movies.

Some of the dialogues went viral viz. 

"A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...", 

"May the Force be with you.", 

"Do or do not, there is no try.", 

"Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you?", 

"I am your father." and 

"There is still good in him.

Steven Spielberg (he and Lucas are considered to be two of the most famous directors of all time) anticipated that Star Wars was going to be a "big hit", which it was. But he followed that up with a prediction of Star Wars making 50-60 million dollars at the box office. Meanwhile, Lucas himself predicted 15-20 million dollars. In reality, the movie made a whopping $775.8 million - absolutely smashing both of their expectations!

Star Wars is indeed amazingly conceptualized & written, and directed with stunning visuals and cinematography. The action sequences are pretty good too, though a tad stretched at times. Its on par with the 'Harry Potter' or 'Lord of the Rings' franchises, even though it came decades ahead of them. Its fictional futuristic world gives a glimpse into our rapidly approaching future in the context of AI and climate change. What a visionary!

24 July 2024

The twilight zone


I recently had the fortune to spend time with my mother-in-law, who stayed with us for an extended period this monsoon. Pushing 90, she has always preferred her regimented routine at her place, over the many years I have known her. Being a spontaneous person myself, schedules and time-keeping have always daunted me:)

She had suffered a mild stroke, in the aftermath of falling unconscious in the bathroom, a couple of months ago. Though she was completely mobile and unhurt post the incident, she has no recall of it. She had spells of amnesia and her cognitive function had been affected. So much so that she stopped watching her favorite Marathi serials on TV, and even playing cards. She used to sleep most of the day. But she slowly recovered most of her vitality and cognitive processing ability after 2 months of resting. She is now back to her old self, walking actively with her trusty stick - and even resumed her TV serials and card playing. Her vision has been failing for a few years now and even her hearing ability is limited - which makes moving places even more challenging for her. Her one love in life is eating - though her system does not support it anymore. Luckily, she has attained control over her wayward eating, and also hears better even without her hearing aid, post the mishap. Something good came from the fall, after all. 

What's truly commendable is that she traveled by road in heavy rains, both times, when visiting us! Especially so, since she has been so averse to leaving her home/city/locality for the majority of her life. We are apart in age by 4 decades, and have grown up in different states - we are like chalk and cheese. There are very few things in common between us - I am a proficient writer but she does not read English. Yet, we both love talking and socialising with people - that bonds us together. 

This visit was an eye-opener for me regarding the challenges of our elders, how difficult elder care is, and the importance of planning for this stage in life. It is important to invest in good relationships with the key people in life - as they are the ones who take care of you eventually. One ends up living for the spouse and children all one's life, but equation with extended family members, friendships nurtured over the years, and the ability to adjust to care-takers, and others' way of life - are things that sustain one in these twilight years. 

I learned that though the hearing aid helps, it also amplifies the surrounding sounds viz. rain, construction work, ambulance siren etc. which bothers the wearer. While the cool breeze is comfortable for us, it is not so for the elderly skin. Aches and pains, and loneliness, are one's constant companions and hence addiction to things like food or TV arise. Its good to cultivate hobbies which will not be too taxing on the aging body - to prepare for this period. Staying active, and constant movement, is the way to beat the blues. Unfortunately in her case, due to her impaired vision, this as well as reading, is ruled out. The times her serials are aired on TV are important as they run ads too in between. She can also flip between the channels on her own. It helps to pass the time for her, as opposed to the ad-free and schedule-free content(same serials) of OTT. I also learned that memory is a strange thing - the older you get, the more you remember your childhood days and things that should have been long forgotten. And you forget what happened yesterday or this morning!

God, grant me the forbearance and fortitude for this phase in life. If possible, I would not like to experience it at all. But I am grateful for everything that has come my way so far. Am sure there is Divine wisdom in why some people die early while others live long lives, though it eludes me for now.

01 July 2024

Inside Out 2 : An EI Bootcamp

Kiddo wanted to watch Inside Out 2 with friends this weekend, but their plan did not materialize. We parents got elevated to the friend category and ended up watching it with her. And what a supremely mind-blowing experience it was - literally and figuratively :)

Its the sequel to its predecessor that was released almost a decade ago. All the action happens at the 'Headquarters' which is the hi-tech mind of a girl named Riley. Five basic emotions were introduced in the first instalment, and a fresh set of emotions are added in this new one, as Riley turns a teenager. All hell literally breaks loose in her head with the onset of puberty.

Pixar being the brand it is, the technology and special effects are simply out of this world! But the concept itself is explained so articulately, and it is relatable not only to adults in general, but also to adults grappling with the avalanche of teenage mood swings and deep dark secrets. While in the first film, Sadness battles it out with the pervasive Joy in the child's life; in this second film, Joy is pitted against Anxiety. In today's time, anxiety is the overwhelming emotion across ALL age groups, and hence, the movie is a must-watch to understand the effect of anxiety and regulate one's emotional balance.

The pictorial representation of how all experiences, and emotions attached to them, form our 'Self', is awe-inspiring. Every memory is important in shaping the same - not just the ones we choose to retain. How Anxiety, aided by Envy and Embarrassment, leads Riley to become more ambitious and calculating, how they bottle up and banish all other emotions into the deep recesses of the mind such that the original sense of self is lost and a new one starts emerging, are captured magnificently through plot, imagery and dialogue. The visual portrayal of 'sarcasm', 'brainstorm' and 'stream of consciousness' render one speechless! It also brings out the importance of each emotion in our life and teaches us to embrace them without shame, e.g. Fear helps us think of Plan B in an emergency and Anxiety may be trying to help us only, while too much Joy may be misleading. Kudos to the creative team for pulling off this masterpiece!

The message toward the end is that every individual has the free will to choose the primary emotion(Joy, in this case), and create his/her own sense of self. Thus, its an introduction to self-awareness, emotional regulation and healing. There is plenty of scope for yet another sequel, as 'Nostalgia' peeped out twice but was pushed back in. And the emotional stalwarts viz. Love, Hate, Ego, Courage etc. are not yet introduced. 

A must-watch for all who relish a visual treat, are intrigued by psychology, and looking for answers to a stress-free life. Kiddo definitely enjoyed it thoroughly, as did I. 

Life lesson from 'Eklavya - The Royal Guard' movie

  I recently re-watched the 2007 Hindi film : Eklavya . Directed by Vidhu Vinod Chopra, it boasts a stellar cast : Amitabh Bachchan (in the ...