27 December 2007


I'm not the first to rail against life's injustice
And I will not be the last.
But when I set out to do the math,
The balance left me aghast!

A forgettable childhood with few good memories,
A comfortable life with easy repast,
An understanding brother, a devoted friend,
The only legacy from my past.

Admirers galore, my share of second looks,
College life, in a flurry, it passed.
Happy-go-lucky and cheery outlook
Helped me make friendships that last.

A sharp intellect and sound genes
Made education a blast.
Some good luck in my work life
Brought me opportunities vast.

Prolonged wooing and a quick wedding,
To my sail, my hubby is the mast.
Got the best gift of my life
Without even trying, at long last.

Traveled to lands afar,
Got to know the world is vast.
A foreign stint, a timely return
My country's soil I hold fast.

A naive nature, a candid tongue
An easy target for people fast;
A forgiving heart and a short memory
I am programmed to outlast!

Wisdom and maturity
Learned through struggles past;
In the role of a mentor
I am eternally miscast.

A lot achieved so far,
Some more to go in my dreams vast,
Blessed am I in spite of my struggles;
Until next I sit to lambaste!

- Ni.Shi (yours truly)


Veena said...

Nice Poem Neel.. Miss the old times :)

Anonymous said...

Nilu, that is a cute effective little poem. I know you write but I had no idea your talents were poetically inclined too.

Dev said...

GOOD 1 keep going on...all d best...

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